The Iconoclast

A rant on business, marketing, travel, and independence — sent monthly, sometimes.

An iconoclast is defined as someone who attacks cherished institutions or beliefs.

(I mean, if you’re going to trust the dictionary. I’m skeptical.)

The Iconoclast focuses on a particular topic each month. Some of the topics I’ve covered over the past year include: branding, meritocracy, gatekeeping, precious metals, Magic: The Gathering, fast cars, big guns, contrarian investing, and adventures traveling the world.

I won’t send emails more often than once a month, on Friday mornings. I won’t spam you, I promise.


Who is this newsletter for?
Anyone who enjoys hot takes, bucking trends, thinking for themselves, and isn’t easily offended.

Am I assured quality content in this newsletter?
Look, this is a free newsletter, not a pair of leather boots. My wife reads it before I hit send. Blame her if it’s sub-par.

Will I be offended?
I hope not. That’s not my goal. However, this isn’t a safe space.

What are you doing with your life?
Probably sitting in a coffeeshop somewhere writing a newsletter.

Who made you the expert?
Who makes anyone an expert? Other experts. Experts are overrated.